A Nigerian Man wants to leave his wife who pends all her time at church

In a courtroom in Nyanya, a marital drama unfolds where Mr. Aku Bakari, a civil servant, voices his distress over his wife Mary’s excessive commitment to religious activities. Accusing his wife of neglecting her family, Bakari seeks the dissolution of their marriage before the customary court. The core issue appears to be Mary’s continuous participation in church services, which often extends from Friday night to Sunday, leaving her husband and children unattended.

The fabric of the family begins to unravel when Mary, a cleaner by profession, undergoes a radical change in behavior around 2010. Forsaking adornments such as earrings and necklaces, which she now deems devilish, she abandons the family church for a new congregation. This transition marks the beginning of an increasing divergence between the spouses, with Bakari attributing this metamorphosis to an external influence he describes as brainwashing.


Faced with these upheavals, Bakari attempts unsuccessfully to reason with Mary, hoping to bring her back to the practices of their original church, the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria. However, his calls for change fall on deaf ears, leading Bakari to consider divorce as a last resort. He laments a loss of intimacy and a growing disconnect within their home, attributing the breakdown of their marriage to Mary’s obsession with her church.

At the hearing, Mary refutes her husband’s accusations, defending herself against claims of negligence. The tension is palpable as each party stands their ground, making reconciliation uncertain. Judge Doocivir Yawe, aware of the familial stakes, urges the couple to find common ground for the sake of their children. The case is thus adjourned until January 30th, providing a period of reflection for the spouses.

This family drama highlights the challenges that differences in belief can pose within a couple, raising questions about the balance between personal faith and family responsibilities. As the court seeks to mediate the disputes, the outcome of this case remains uncertain, reflecting the complexities of human relationships intersected by spirituality.


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