Ketanji Brown Jackson : Michelle Obama émue, sort du silence

Dans la journée d’hier, le juge Ketanji Brown Jackson à la Cour suprême. C’est la première femme juge noire à la Cour suprême au pays de l’Oncle Sam. A travers cette confirmation, le Sénat est entré dans l’histoire des USA et par la même occasion l’actuel président Joe Biden peut se réjouir que cette première soit intervenue sous son administration. La nouvelle de la confirmation n’a pas laissé indifférente l’ancienne première dame Michelle Obama qui a réagi via les réseau sociaux.

L’ancienne Première Dame Michelle Obama a salué jeudi la confirmation historique du juge Ketanji Brown Jackson qui est la première femme juge noire de la Cour suprême. L’ancienne première dame a profité de l’occasion pour remercier la juge Jackson d’avoir donné aux filles et aux femmes noires « un nouveau rêve à rêver ». Dans un post Instagram jeudi, l’épouse de l‘ancien président Obama a déclaré qu’elle était émue de voir la juge Jackson confirmée.


« Comme beaucoup d’entre vous, je ne peux m’empêcher de ressentir un sentiment de fierté – un sentiment de joie – de savoir que cette femme noire méritante et accomplie aidera à tracer la voie de notre nation« , a-t-elle écrit. « Tant de femmes de couleur ont maintenant un nouveau modèle à admirer alors qu’elle siège au plus haut tribunal du pays« , poursuit l’ancienne première dame des Etats-Unis d’Amérique.

9 réponses

  1. Avatar de Anonymous

    @Che Guevara
    You have eyes, but you cannot see.
    You have ears, but you cannot hear.
    Talking about Obama Care more than 30 millions Americans are currently enrolled in Obama Care and still going strong. I would not waste much of my time with you as you cannot see in broadway daylight, how you can see in dark. Unfortunately you are feeding yourself with nonsense that does not hold water.

  2. Avatar de Che Guevara
    Che Guevara

    You are celebrating on peanuts handed over to you black in america.
    What % of the Obamacare is still active nowadays?
    Speaking of obama accomplishment most on inmates in us prison are black people. What change has he made? NONE
    On international front, he joined the allies to bomb Lybie and contribued to kadafi ‘s death. To me, he has african’s blood on his hands.
    During his 8 years tenure, he drop bombs in Afghanistan, lybia, Syria, Somalia, Syria, yemen… what a legacy to be proud of !!!

    1. Avatar de Che Guevara
      Che Guevara

      He toured africa to promote homosexuality as if africa does not have it’s own culture that is worth respect.
      This guy was simply a shame!

  3. Avatar de Anonymous

    @Che Guevara

    You must be kidding me. In your eyes Obama did not accomplish nothing during his tenure in White House. I would urge to tell that unfounded nonsense to any Afro-American. The eight years the former President Obama spent in White bear fruit today.
    Obama was the first black man elected President of the United States of America. And “Thanks” to President Obama, we have today the first black female Vice President of the United States of America., and “Thanks” to Obama we have today the first black female nominated to the Supreme Court of United States of America. Obama’s ascension to White House had opened the door to Kamala Harris and to Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, and one thing before I close this chapter, Obama gave Americans Affordable Health Care, dubbed Obama Care. For me it is a big achievement after 403 years

    Please note: It was not Obama who killed Mouamar Khadafi. Nicolas Sarkozy of France killed Khadafi. Nicolas Sarkozy was the culprit, the first who sent the first shot.

  4. Avatar de Che Guevara
    Che Guevara

    Your brother Obama did not change a dime of the establishment during his 8 years tenure. Instead, he served the system and went ahead to kill Kadafi.
    I wanted to create two states with joint capital city in Jerusalem. Has he accomplished any of that?

  5. Avatar de Vodounon

    Si @Anonymous exprime mieux ses idées dans la langue de Shakespeare pourquoi lui en tenir rigueur!
    Moi je trouve ça plutôt bien!

  6. Avatar de Anonymous

    Congratulations sister KBJ, nomination well deserved.

    1. Avatar de Aziz le sultan
      Aziz le sultan

      Heeee..mon gar tu nous saoule..avec ton anglais..là…

      Personne ne parle englais ici…

      Surtout..mon ami paul ahehenou…qui ne connaît..même pas « viens manger »..en anglais

      Juste ..un mot pour ses opérations..nocturnes à jonkez..

      I want to fuck you..c est tout

    2. Avatar de Che Guevara
      Che Guevara

      Sister by the skin color, that it is…Nothing else..
      She will be serving a judiciary system that is designed to oppress her people..the black
      Most of the incarcerated are black and many based on faulty judgment.

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