
Donald Trump : Une conseillère fait une grosse erreur en tentant de justifier une de ses décisions

Donald Trump (Photo Getty Images)

Aux USA, il y a quelques heures seulement, le président américain, décidait de suspendre la participation financière des USA au budget de fonctionnement de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé. Une décision qu’il avait justifié par le fait que l’OMS se serait infatuée à la Chine, en l’aidant à camoufler pendant des jours la pandémie qui avait débuté sur son territoire à Wuhan. Ce mercredi la conseillère du président Trump, Kellyanne Conway, dans une interview, en voulant aller de son argument pour défendre la décision du locataire de  la Maison-Blanche, avaient fait quelques fausses affirmations.

Covid-19, le dix-neuvième ?

Les USA avec 28.326 décès pour plus de 637.000 cas confirmés, tenaient la tête du classement des pays les plus touchés par la pandémie. Très vite, de nombreuses voix au sein de l’opinion publique américaine et de la classe politique s’étaient élevées, pour fustiger la gestion de la crise du président et surtout son attentisme et son scepticisme aux premières heures de la pandémie. Le Président aurait ignoré les alertes de ses conseillers lui demandant de  se préparer à une crise majeure. Mais, pour le président, seul l’OMS avait failli à sa mission. Car selon Donald Trump, si l’OMS, alors qu’elle avait des « informations importantes » concernant la « brèche », avait choisi de lancer plus tôt l’alerte ;  de nombreux gouvernements dont le sien auraient, plus tôt, pris la mesure de la pandémie ce qui probablement aurait réduit les pertes en vies humaines.


Mardi dernier, le président Donald Trump annonçait de ce fait, qu’il ordonnait à son administration de suspendre le financement de l’OMS parce que  l’organisation serait la cause principale des décès en  ayant « couvert »  la propagation du coronavirus. Ce mercredi, Alors que de nombreux pays avaient condamné la position du président américain, sa conseillère Kellyanne Conway, était apparue dans une émission télévisée  pour le défendre. Mme Conway lançant sa propre attaque contre l’OMS avait déclaré : « Nous parlons de COVID-19 et non de COVID-1. (…) On pourrait penser que les personnes chargées des faits et chiffres de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé devraient savoir cela ». La conseillère laissant entendre à tort dans son invective, que le ‘’19 ‘’ faisait référence au nombre de fois où le nouveau coronavirus était apparu ; alors qu’il faisait plutôt référence à l’année de sa découverte.

Une réponse

  1. Avatar de Tchité

    Un clown celui là.

    « I hope the american people remember it was trump that said this virus was a hoax…over and over again.

    January 30: Trump on Coronavirus, “We have it very well under control, and I think it’s going to have a very good ending. So that I can assure you!”

    February 2: Trump on Coronavirus, “Well, we pretty much shut it down coming in from China, but we did shut it down!”

    February 10: On Fox News Trump says without evidence that the coronavirus « dies with the hotter weather… You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat.”

    February 24: « The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.”

    February 25: Trump falsely claims “You may ask about the coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country. We have very few people with it, and the people that have it are … getting better. They’re ALL getting better!”

    February 26: Trump wrongly says the coronavirus « is a flu » and that “whatever happens, we’re totally prepared.”

    February 26: Trump baselessly predicts the number of US cases is « going very substantially down » to « close to zero”

    February 26: Trump wrongly says the flu death rate is « much higher » than Dr. Sanjay Gupta said. Coronavirus has 10X death rate compared to flu. If 60K die from flu then 600K will die from Coronavirus!

    February 27: Trump baselessly said, « It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.”

    February 28: Trump said at a rally, Coronavirus is “the new Democratic Hoax.”

    March 2: Trump falsely claims “nobody knew of the number of US flu deaths”.

    March 2: Trump says a vaccine is coming « relatively soon”. Only Trump did not bother to mention that CDC had told him earlier that day that a vaccine was a year to a year and a half away.

    March 4: Trump said he believes people infected with the novel coronavirus may get better « by sitting around and even going to work. »

    March 5: Trump wrongly claims the virus only hit the US « three weeks ago”. Trump was informed of a confirmed case on January 21(6 weeks prior).

    March 5: World Health Organization (WHO), based on data collected around the world, stated the global mortality rate for coronavirus at 3.4%. Trump says: “I think the 3.4 % is really a false number, this is just my ‘Hunch’!”

    March 6: As the number of cases and deaths in Italy rises, Trump says “I hear the numbers getting much better in Italy.”

    March 6: Trump tells cameras, “Anybody who wants a test can get one.” VP Pence said the day prior that Americans could not get tested simply because they wanted to get tested. « You may not get a test unless a doctor or public health official prescribes a test. »

    March 6: Trump muses that « maybe the coronavirus improved US jobs numbers.”

    March 6: « I like the numbers being where they are. I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship, » Trump said of passengers on the Grand Princess cruise ship.

    March 7: Trump said that doctors he’s come across as the administration tries to get a handle on the outbreak have been surprised about how much he knows about COVID-19. « Maybe I have a natural ability, » he said. « Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president. »

    March 11: Trump’s Address from Oval Office wrongly states Insurance companies will pay for patients Coronavirus treatment. Next day Insurance Coalition corrected Trump and said they will pay ONLY for Co-payments, NOT treatment.

    March 13: Trump declares National Emergency. “As you know Europe was just designated as the hot spot right now, and we closed that border a while ago so that was lucky or through talent or through luck… call it whatever you want.” The travel ban had not even been implemented, scheduled to start that night.

    March 13: Asked why his Admin previously disbanded the national pandemic office which would have significantly prepared the United States, “When you say me, I didn’t do it. We have a group of people… You say we did that, but I don’t know anything about it.” This, after Trump’s presser from Feb. 26 where it was previously brought up and discussed with Trump.

    March 13: Backpedaling about whether or not he should get tested and self-isolate for Coronavirus after being in direct contact with those carrying the virus, “I asked them that same question, and they said, ‘You don’t have any symptoms whatsoever.’” You don’t have to be showing symptoms to already have the Coronavirus.

    March 13: Trump interacted with several top administration officials and business leaders during the address, shaking hands and patting them.

    March 13: Asked by a reporter about the federal failures to test for Coronavirus, Trump answered, “No I don’t take responsibility for that at all. « 

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